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Reciprocity: the way to an economy of virtue and prosperity

Part II

by Eleonora Bonacossa

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Starting point: oneself Awareness, empowerment and gift

Awareness is the genesis of change. We cannot change what we don’t acknowledge. By becoming more aware we begin the process of changing ourselves and the world. We can’t change others, but it’s beginning with ourselves that we can change a situation at any level, individual, social and global. However, when we change, it changes everything else!

The individual conscience is the existential place where the most significant things happen: research, change, decision and choice can take two diametrically opposite directions: can be either “pro or contra” the human person.

The quality of choices we make has a strategical importance because through our individual choices we can decide to promote the logic of responsibility, of cooperation, of solidarity and fraternity or we can choose other less ethical practices.

The focus is on changing the question, our attitude: for example, instead of saying, “What can I get from the world that exists in terms of career, work or material goods?” ask, “What can I give, what can I share, what can I contribute to the society, to the country, to the world?”. Also needed is empowerment as a process of individual growth, of development of one's own abilities and competencies: we all have a unique purpose and potential. It’s not so much something to create as to be discovered. It’s up to us to discover it. Now the question is how can we empower individuals to foster a culture of virtue? The answer is through the gift of ourselves, of our time and energy.

Empowerment can happen on different levels, on the individual and on the community level, for example, taking personal responsibility instead of saying, “It’s not my job.” and through civil courage and social committment. It could be useful here to remember that all significant changes throughout history occurred as a result of the courage and committment of individuals.

Empowerment enables us to be a change-maker. In turn gratuitousness means building fraternity, and the power is not in the object, the gift, the "quantum" that is given but in the bond between the two subjects. The interaction that has been created is more important than the gift that is given.