ARETA Coaching

Transformational Leadership Training.
One-to-one and in the wild

Everyone can be a leader. Good Leadership is motivating and inspiring other people, drawing the best for the good of all. The prerequisite involves bringing heart and mind into harmony and your values and strategy in line. Only then can your personal leadership potential truly unfold.


ARETA offers personally tailored individual coaching
For the Leaders of Today, the Leaders of Tomorrow and Women in Leadership

Female leadership is especially important to me, and I particularly emphasize the gender diversity in leadership positions. Leadership can only function when men and women truly respect each other’s individual roles and talents.

Transformational Leadership for Women and Men

My coaching approach is based on the Transformational Leadership model, which in my opinion forms a crucial element to sustainable management. Specifically, the Transformational Leadership concept requires and promotes the qualities, which are traditionally ascribed to women. This includes, for example, to act in relationship networks, the ability to listen to others, to sense and meet the needs and expectations of a team or an organization. This for me is an important aspect in forming both male and female leaders for the future and to help them to develop a leadership presence.

One-to-one and in the wild

Instead of theoretical explanations with PowerPoint and a projector, I rely on a simple, unobstructed, flowing communication between you and me. There are no filters. Just clear, authentic communication. Authenticity is particularly important to me because in our daily lives we tend to wear masks. Only when we shed these masks is it possible to open up to other viewpoints and allow new insights to arise.

Only then will you be free to “see with the heart and feel with the mind,” an essential prerequisite for uniting the various aspects of Transformational Leadership into your everyday management.

Part of my coaching program will take place in the great outdoors: I believe walking or jogging in the countryside helps one to physically center and find oneself. Thus, people are free to be more open and receptive to new ideas and perspectives.

Leading with the body, mind and heart

My philosophy of future-oriented leadership includes movement and exercise with body and brain. Training together and taking different perspectives, rather than simply remaining still, allows for change and development. For me, experiencing Transformational Leadership means striving together to achieve the impossible. I would be pleased to speak with you and describe how an individual coaching program might look for you.